Triple Jeopardy
August 5, 2014

In 2013, a research project called Triple Jeopardy was conducted in Cambodia by CBM Australia and partner organisations (including IWDA and others), with funding from Australian Government.
The research was called Triple Jeopardy because it looked at the interplay between gender, poverty and disability. And it found that women with disabilities experienced much higher levels of all forms of violence within their family.
In fact, women with disabilities are much more likely to be insulted, belittled, intimidated, made to feel bad about themselves, and be subjected to physical and sexual violence than their non-disabled peers.
This shows that the combination of gender with other factors, such as disability or poverty, magnifies the disadvantage exponentially.
CBM’s work focuses on this – providing education to change attitudes, removing barriers for women to access justice, and empowerment of women and girls with disabilities to speak out about their rights and needs.
If you’d like to learn more about Triple Jeopardy, you can read the full research document here, or watch this video on gender, disability and poverty.