Korn Leakhena
I am Korn Leakhena.

Photographer: Paul Garrett, Cambodia
I am Korn Leakhena. I am a new staff of the school. I have been working for this school for half a month and I am a core teacher in the class of children with intellectual disability.
In my class there are eighteen children. I am very happy to be a teacher for the children with intellectual disability because I need to learn experience about how to care for children with intellectual disability because I have one son who has intellectual disability.
I love the children with intellectual disability in the class like I love my son. I am committed to teach them from my heart.
I strongly hope that my son will have opportunity to study in this kind of school when he reaches the school age. And I hope that when he goes through the schooling he will develop his social skills, interaction skills with the other children.
I want to send a message to the public, especially to the parents who have children with disabilities. Please do not hide the children with disabilities at home. They should bring them to school because when the children have opportunity to go to school, they will develop their social skills, they will develop life skills. For example they can develop skills in taking a bath on their own, putting on clothes on their own. So it will reduce the heavy burdens for the parents.